2nd Grade

Al-Huda Academy follows Common Core Standards & North Carolina Standard course of study for Language Arts, Math, Social Studies. Science, Health and Physical Education.

For more information please see below.

2nd Grade Math

Common Core Standards

  • Operations and Algebraic Thinking
    • Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction.
    • Add and subtract within 20.
    • Work with equal groups of objects to gain foundations for multiplication.
  • Number and Operations in Base Ten
    • Understand place value.
    • Use place value understanding and properties of operations to add and subtract.
  • Measurement and Data
    • Measure and estimate lengths in standard units.
    • Relate addition and subtraction to length.
    • Work with time and money.
    • Represent and interpret data.
  • Geometry
    • Reason with shapes and their attributes.
  • Mathematical Practices
    • Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
    • Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
    • Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
    • Model with mathematics.
    • Use appropriate tools strategically.
    • Attend to precision.
    • Look for and make use of structure.
    • Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
2nd Grade English Language Arts

Common Core Standards

  • Reading
    • Read with sufficient Accuracy and Fluency to support Comprehension
    • Variety of Types of Text- Informational and Literature
    • Retell Main Details and Relationships between Illustrations and Text
    • Describe Story Structure
    • Word Study and Vocabulary- Multiple Meaning words and Figurative Language
    • Know and apply grade-level Phonics and Word Analysis Skills in Decoding Words
  • Writing
    • The Writing Process (Prewriting, Drafting, Revising, Editing, Publishing)
    • Write Opinion pieces, Personal Narratives, and Informative pieces
    • Focus on a Topic and strengthen by Revision and Editing
    • Demonstrate command of English Grammar, Capitalization and Punctuation
    • Handwriting
    • Spelling
  • Language Arts
    • Presentation Skills
    • Inquiry and Research Skills (technology)
    • Listening Skills
2nd Grade Science

North Carolina Essential Standards

  • Forces and Motion- the relationship between sound and vibrating objects.
  • Matter, Properties, and Change- changes and properties of solids and liquids.
  • Earth Systems, Structures and Processes –patterns of weather and factors that affect weather.
  • Structures and Functions of Living Organisms- animal life cycles.
  • Genetics- characteristics of organisms and similarities of parents and offspring.
2nd Grade Social Studies

North Carolina Essential Standards

  • Understand how various sources provide information about the past.
  • Use geographic representations, terms and technology to process information from a spatial perspective- mapping.
  • Understand the effects of humans interacting with their environment.
  • Understand basic economic concepts- needs and wants, supply and demand, consumers.
  • Understand the purpose of governments- role of government services and institutions.
  • Understand the roles and responsibilities of citizens- good citizens and the community.
  • Understand how various cultures influence communities- respect and social skills.
2nd Grade Health & Physical Education

North Carolina Essential Standards – Health

  • Mental and Emotional Health- healthy expression of emotions
  • Personal and Consumer Health- disease prevention and recognition of symptoms.
  • Personal and Consumer Health- disease prevention and recognition of symptoms.
  • Interpersonal Communication and Relationships
  • Nutrition and Physical Activity – My Pyramid and quality of life
  • Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs- recognizing and avoiding harmful substances 

North Carolina Essential Standards – Physical Ed

  • Apply competent motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities.
  • Understand concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics that apply to the learning and performance of movement.
  • Understand the importance of achieving and maintaining a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.
  • Use behavioral strategies that are responsible and enhance respect of self and others and value activity.
2nd Grade Arabic

2nd Grade Arabic Language

  • Promoting speaking and listening skills through topics related to the daily life and interests of students
  • Developing student ability to understand Arabic vocabulary and comprehend ideas expressed in Arabic and formulate meaningful sentences in Arabic
  • Know and apply grade-level Phonics in Decoding Words
  • Read with sufficient fluency to support Comprehension
  • Promoting comprehension and the use of a variety of strategies to make meaning from literature
  • Demonstrate command of basic Arabic Grammar Rules such as: singular subject pronouns, plural forms of some detached pronouns, present tense and some of the past and command verbs forms, and demonstrative nouns
  • Retell main details and relationships between illustrations and text
  • Word study and vocabulary
  • Write Personal Narratives and Informative pieces
  • Recognizing sentence structure and basic punctuation
  • Handwriting
  • Spelling
2nd Grade Qu'ran & Islamic Studies

Qur’anic Studies

  • Memorize and understand the main theme of the surahs in Juz 29
  • Finish Quedia Nuraniiah Rules
  • Implementation of Tajweed rules for all memorized surahs
  • Theoretical explanation and practe of the following Tajweed rules: points of articulation, meem Sakinah, rules of maad, nun sakinah rules, basic rules for letter ra’, some of the letter attributes and stopping signs of the Qur’an

Islamic Studies

  • Students are exposed to the curriculum concepts in an engaging manner enabling them to love their faith. Concepts are explained in relation to students’ daily lives allowing them to view Islam as a practical way of living and that is consolidated through the explanation of verses from the Qur’an and hadeeth of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Fiqh and Ibadat (Jurisprudence and Acts of worship)

  • Understand the importance of the masjid and know the most important masajid.
  • Learn about the Eid in Islam, the two Eid celebrations and demonstrate the Eid prayer
  • The Qur’an; its language, revelation and the importance of the stories that each us important lessons.
  • Undertand the source of Sunnah. And identify what are the fard prayers and what is sunnah.
  • The importance of Dua and thikr
  • Recite the Athan and the dua during and after the Athan, and understand the reason for the Athan
  • Recognise the importance of fasting, when it is done and the concepts related to fasting.

Aqidah (creed)

  • Prophet Adam: recognize the lessons from Adam’s life and the importance of obeying Allah (SWT) and disobeying Shatyan.
  • Indentify the concept of intention (Niyyah) and understand how intentions that please Allah (SWT) will lead us to do good deeds.
  • Sons of Adam: their characters, define jealousy and anger and how these traits make us weak and an easy prey for Shaytan’s inflence.
  • Taqwa: understand the meaning of Taqwa and how it helps us be good Muslims by recognizing that Allah sees and watches us all the time.
  • Prophet Yunus: understanding patience through the story of of Yunus and our need to turn to Allah (SWT) when we have done something wrong.
  • Prophet Nuh: concept of trust in Allah through Nuh’s message and his trust in Allah (SWT)
  • Recognizing Allah’s love for us (SWT) and explore ways we can show our love Allah
  • Sirah of Prophet Muhammad صلي الله عليه Ùˆ سلم
  • Understand the meaning of Seerah.
  • Read and discuss the story of Aam ul feel and learn about Abdul-Muttalib and Abraha.
  • Identify where Makkah and Yathrib are and learn about the birth place of Prophet Muhammad and his first years in the desert.
  • Prophet Muhammad as an orphan and his relationship with grandfather Abdul-Muttalib
  • Learn about Prophet Muhammad’s early life before beoming a prophet
  • Recognize that Khadeejah was the first and only wife of the prophet until her death.
  • Identify and explore the the best ways to treat others by using the example of Prophet Muhammad
  • Recognize Prophet Muhammad’s love to children, learn about his grandchildren
  • The story of Zid Ibn Haritha and his love to Prophet Muhammad

Prophets’ Biographies and Khulafa’ Ar-Rashidun

  • The story of Adam’s creation
  • The message of propht Nuh
  • Prophet Yunus’ message and the names of Allah Al-Mujeeb and Al-Aleem

    Character Education and Islamic manners

    • Understand some of the manners of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and how to practically apply them in our daily lives.
    • Understand the concept of role modeling (qudwa) and learn some inspiring facts and stories of Muslim role models.
    • Recognize and understand the importance of honesty, learn about Prophet Muhammad’s nickname As-sadiq Al-Ameen and that Allah watches us all the time
    • Learn to practicing patience and kindness in dealing with family members, respecting adults, and identifying the meaning of obeying and disobeying rules.