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Department Head

Vanessa Blue


Vanessa Blue

Vanessa Blue


Don Connor

Don Connor


Amanda Monroe

Amanda Monroe


Tiny York

Tiny York


Tips to Prevent Summer Learning Loss

As this year comes to a close, our dear principal Sister Zainab has some tips for our parents on how encourage your kids to continue learning during the Summer time

Community Service

This year, all students are encouraged to engage in community service through different initiatives.

Arabic Lesson 2

Al-Huda Academy is growing by leaps and bounds!   Looking for a dynamic educational career?  We are currently looking to hire passionate educators dedicated and committed to our children and community. An ideal candidate is organized, patient, enthusiastic, creative,...

Ababic lesson 1

As the Principal at Al-Huda Academy, it is an honor to have the opportunity to serve such an outstanding community. It is my desire to work with you, your child, and the staff to continue to foster a strong sense of community in order to increase student achievement....

Tips to Prevent Summer Learning Loss

As this year comes to a close, our dear principal Sister Zainab has some tips for our parents on how encourage your kids to continue learning during the Summer time

Community Service

This year, all students are encouraged to engage in community service through different initiatives.

Arabic Lesson 2

Al-Huda Academy is growing by leaps and bounds!   Looking for a dynamic educational career?  We are currently looking to hire passionate educators dedicated and committed to our children and community. An ideal candidate is organized, patient, enthusiastic, creative,...

Ababic lesson 1

As the Principal at Al-Huda Academy, it is an honor to have the opportunity to serve such an outstanding community. It is my desire to work with you, your child, and the staff to continue to foster a strong sense of community in order to increase student achievement....

school hours

M-F: 8am – 3:30pm


1234 Divi St. #1000 San Francisco, CA 94220.



